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Table 1 Formula for calculating Number of Events Prevented in your Population (NEPP)

From: Helping to prioritise interventions for depression and schizophrenia: use of Population Impact Measures

NEPP = n * P d * P e * r u * RRR


n = population size

P d = the prevalence of the disease in the population

P e = the proportion eligible for treatment

r u = the risk of the event of interest in the untreated group or baseline risk

RRR = the relative risk reduction associated with the treatment

  1. In order to reflect the incremental effect of changing from current to 'best' practice and to adjust for levels of compliance the proportion eligible for treatment P e is ((P b - P t ) * P c where P t is the proportion currently treated, P b is the proportion that would be treated if best practice was adopted and P c is the proportion of the population who are compliant with (adherent to) their medication.